A growing list of our stories

We’ve started a new list of books, films, and more at the Discord, all written from our own members. See #our-stories at the Discord. One of our members, Navarre, also added these to a list at Open Library.

Winds of change

© Sara Davis Downpour Tropical Storm Fay rolled in the week after Independence Day. Usually storm number six doesn’t make landfall until August, but you might say that 2020 was a tempestuous year. That Friday, it rained all day. Marooned in South Philadelphia without a car, I watched from my window for a break in …


© Jack Waro Jack Waro scribbles things about ecology and art at https://jackwaro.substack.com/. A pair of aging protestors and I stand beneath the Official Halls of Power. We talk doom and gloom. Chatting about the weather with two old ladies. “It’s different,” says one. She’s been protesting since the 1970s. “In the past it was …